I didn't hit a low :)

First off, thank you for the DMs and the e-mails & taking the time to contact me on Discord/Facebook/whatnot. I did indeed have a quick manic phase but I did not follow it up with a low despite getting a nasty tummy bug that could've messed up my medication but I think because I'm on every supplement and its mother now due to my blood tests coming back basically looking like...


...I think that helped in keeping the meds in my system somewhat because while I did have an anxious and low-energy day and a half, I kind of bounced back in the span of 12-14 hours and now I feel... okay, mentally. There's no other word for it. 'Okay' covers it. Don't feel amazing, no. Not incredibly. But okay. It's all good.

Because of the physical recovery from the bug AND getting ready to go back to work (!!) in two weeks or so, I've just basically been doing the necessities, the maintenance and... a whole lot of Crusader Kings II. I'm currently dyeing my hair, just basically getting back into a beauty routine that'll ensure I can be bare-faced at work (not a requirement to be make-up free, I just really can't be arsed on most days, hah) because my skin's gone really weird after the cold weather and rains hit so I'm working on that, I'm working on becoming physically active again, and you know what I'm gonna do today? Book a dentist. Yeah, I know. Terrified, but I'm gonna do it. I need to. Because of the aforementioned deficiencies, I have two teeth that've just, well... crumbled. I need 'em either fixed or removed ASAP.

Sorry for disjointedness; as I said.. the meds do interfere with the rollercoaster in my head but I'm not 100% back to normal, there's still a tiny bit of inability to completely focus so I'm a little all over the place but it's still early-ish, got a whole day to let all the meds kick in without spewing them up... I'll be fine. :) Fresh air should help too.

Give me a few days and I'll be back to being random and babbly. Promise. :3

  1. Hi! I found your blog on Bloglist Me and decided to stop by and leave a comment after reading your post. I am sorry you are struggling right now. I can relate. Hope that you make out okay at the dentist. I understand your pain. I've had some teeth doing the same and I am terrified of dentists as well. The anxiety is so bad but I have learned that leaving it just causes more pain and anxiety then dealing with it straight out. Been deeling with it myslef lately so I really hope you find some relief. As for all the supplements and the manic and low episodes I really hope that finding and treating the deficiencies really help you and help with aiding the meds to work. It can be so tough. Hang in there! xo

  2. Is your worldlyness gonna help you
    or hinder you, girl??
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