Living in Pastel Paradise (soon)

I've spent most of the past week-plus turning my council flat into a pastel hell paradise. The paints I ordered apparently went way over the company's heads (I assume very few rougher-side-of-town dwellers request broken pastels as their overall theme) & I didn't get what I asked for (for example, I asked for mauve for the kitchen and got baby pink, and the exact same shade for the front room so now I have a very pink front room) but in a way it's a blessing in disguise -- what I got was this unicorn pastel daydream selection and I must say I've been having immense amounts of fun turning my flat into a Barbie Dreamland. Since I'm doing this all by myself, it's obviously taking a bit of time because my energy levels could be better, but little by little the horrendous hospital-paint walls (and the acid trip bathroom) are turning into a 4-year-old girl's dream. I love it.

Instead of the subtle hue changes I asked for, they basically just got me two whites, two pinks and two lavender paints and that's it. I'm not complaining, I didn't even try to correct them because this works far better. I'm already super motivated to finish the job so I can start contrasting the baby pastels with gothic detailing -- steampunk guns, skulls, crosses, the like -- and all my gamer clutter, and for the first time in... well, ever... I feel so proud about a place I live in that I might actually invite people over. That's no small statement from me because I loathe having people in my personal space but what's the point in making my surroundings chaotically pretty if no one's coming around to see it?!

Hell, I might even start hosting little tea parties for my friends. Maybe throw a Finnish Christmas party (yes, Christmas, not "Holidays" because I celebrate Christmas, simple as), Independence Day feast (not this year though, this year I'm working on that particular date, yay! -- more on that in a future post, though, once we've dotted all the i's) or some such. We'll see. For now though, I'll go throw the finishing touches to the bedroom and then try to figure out a strategy on how to get a double bed there without taking it apart. I'll have to take it apart, won't I? Ugh...

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